Project Area: 15 Acres +
Total Units: 49 Units
Plot Sizes: 21 Cents above
Location: Puthumandhu Village
District: Kotagiri, Nilgris Dist. Pincode: 643217, Tamil Nadu. India
You certainly don't need an alarm. The most melodious artists on Earth start their performances as soon as the sun rises. With a cup of tea, enjoy the performance or go about your morning routine.
An exquisite experience with Mother Nature. Relish the cliff views, hear the birds, smell the woods, eat wild fruits, touch the crisp grass and gift your soul the feeling it needs. The views here will leave you speechless and leave you reminiscing about your childhood sceneries. Gear up to encounter nature's supremacy.

The specific advantages to our buyers are:

Kotagiri, a small hill station surrounded by verdant tea estates, is 1847 meters/6060 feet above sea level and has a delightful climate, as the Doddabetta ranges shield it. Kotagiri is a destination that retains the angelic experience of the hills.
  • - Zero Retention Wall Cost
  • - Zero Excavation Cost
  • - Zero Additional Structural Cost
Salient Features & Amenities
  • Gated Community
  • 24/7 CCTV & Security
  • Solar Street Lights
  • Gazebo
  • Guaranteed Rental & Tea Plantation on profit sharing
  • Fire Pit
  • Watch Tower
  • Natural Water Pond
  • Surrounded by International Schools & Colleges
  • Bank loan available for Construction
Location Map
Reason to buy
  • Excellent returns via rental
  • Off the main road - ensures complete privacy
  • You own, we farm - Tea plantation based on profit sharing
  • Abundant ground water
  • Huge appreciation in a short span of time
  • Heavenly View
  • Close proximity to international schools and colleges
  • Refreshing weather with cool temperature
  • Bank loans for construction
  • Customizable bungalows
  • Zero Retaining wall cost, Zero Excavation cost, Zero Additional structural cost
  • One year free maintenance
  • Free from Pollution and chaos of the city
  • Fantastic project for an investment


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